The starting gun has been fired and we now know that a future Conservative government will begin negotiations to ‘repatriate powers relating to social and employment laws’.
Regardless of whether other EU member states will actually allow Britain to bring these powers back home, policymakers should ask whether this process is desirable.
Alternatively, should we leave the current settlement as it is or are new approaches necessary to ensure that social policy maximises employment across the EU.
To commence this debate, IPPR is very pleased to welcome László Andor, European commissioner for employment, social affairs and inclusion, who will deliver a keynote speech on the topic ‘Living standards in Europe and the importance of social investment’.
Frances O’Grady, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, and a senior business leader will respond.
Tuesday, 26th February 2013, 12:30 – 14:00
Mandela Room, Royal Commonwealth Society,
25 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5AP
To guarantee a place please RSVP to by Friday 15th February.
In association with the Foreign Press Association. This event is kindly supported by the European Commission