Tomorrow December 17th, Members of Parliament have their last chance to vote on the “shares for rights” plan .
We need to make sure every single Member of Parliament gets the message as to why they should oppose this proposal – which has found little popular support among employers and is totally opposed by union.
However, if this plan goes through, working people could be forced to give up some of their most important rights at work, including:
- the right not to be sacked unfairly
- the right to redundancy pay
- the right to request flexible hours to fit round family or caring responsibilities
- training rights
- some maternity rights
This Government are committed to coming up with new ways to make it easier to sack people – when they should be concentrating on creating jobs and fixing the economy.
This “shares for rights” plan has no support, yet the Tories are forcing it through Parliament as quickly as they can. Not even employers support the Bill – in the Government’s own consultation of businesses, only 3 out of 184 who responded said they would take up the scheme.
It’s really important that we get in touch with MPs to ask them to speak and vote against this unpopular, offensive, back-of-an-envelope scheme.
Email your MP by clicking here now or clicking on the graphic to ask them to vote NO to selling off our rights at work.