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Category Archives: Workers Uniting
Cameron still doesn’t get the need for an interventionist manufacturing strategy
Last week’s manufacturing survey conducted by the Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) and business advisors BDO LLP provided a small chink of light in the gloomy tunnel that faces the UK in turning round the economy. The coalition’s oft stated ambition to rebalance the economy … Continue reading
The do-nothing government
With a government with little idea of how to steer UK manufacturing, are we facing industry stagnation? By Amanda Campbell, Editor, Unite magazine uniteWORKS It was a gloomy start to 2012 for the government – manufacturing figures for the last quarter … Continue reading
Robin Hood Tax – URGENT: Send message to EU Finance Ministers!
This just in from Owen Tudor at the TUC: EU finance ministers meet on Tuesday and the Danish Presidency has agreed to put the EU proposal for a Financial Transactions Tax on the agenda. We need people to email finance … Continue reading
Coming Soon! : IndustriALL – the new manufacturing and industrial global union
As manufacturing companies have restructured and extended their reach to every corner of the globe, trade unions have had to respond. Many unions in the UK affiliate to one or more of the Global Union Federations (known in the trade … Continue reading
Remploy closures are “a despicable act”
The decision yesterday to all but shut down Remploy as a state run company and an employer which provides employment for disabled people shows that the ConDem Government will stoop to any level no matter how low. As Len McCluskey … Continue reading
The UK’s Industrial Policy – (or complete lack of one) to be discussed this week.
In recent weeks there has been a growing debate on the inherent lack of an industrial and manufacturing policy in the UK. On Tuesday the EEF (the main engineering and manufacturing employers federation) will be holding a Manufacturing Conference in … Continue reading
More Union Busting In Mexico by PKC
By Ben Davis of the United Steelworkers. In the early 1990s, the multi national metals company Alcoa began sourcing from Arneses y Accesorios de Mexico, S.A. de C.V, a maquiladora producing wire harnesses for the North American auto industry in … Continue reading
Honda union official arrested for distributing leaflets outside of auto plant
This article was sent to Power In A Union by Ben Davis of the United Steelworkers. This is a small example of what is happening in Mexico where union busting is now rampant. The Mexican government and employers stand accused … Continue reading